Mommy Diary Not your average mommy's diaryBC BLOGGERS FOR DECEMBER 2011
Sweet Paula a personal blog
Dadedidodu Daddy blog
WAHM sa Pinas work at home mom in the Philippines
Happy Thoughts happy thoughts , happy tot
Pagaspas Family Blog a family blog detailing our adventures,misadventures,peppered in with the challenges of autism
The Purplecious Life a blog that focuses on personality development and personal growth .I also want to impart spiritual inspiration through this blog
From wala to okay a basic mommy blog from nothing to something
Flairs and Flares TV land wwnders and wonders,what's on stage, girly stuff, heavenly food fun and positivity,Filipino pride.
Describe Her lifestyle blog
Morning Raindrops Morning Raindrops is a Mayya's blog stay at home based in Indonesia shared her knowledge about motherhood breastfeeding, family life,gardening,design and especially blogging.She desires to change her status from stay at home mom and she has dream that her struggle can be an inspirations for other moms
.TRAVEL YUMS a perfect combination of travel stories ,yummy foodies
Itsberyllycious eat love travel a gastronomic journal of food adventure and stories
Canadian Doomer's Blog what will you do when oil is 4300/barrel?Preparing for a resource scarce world emergency preparation food storage, self-sufficiency,simple living and more
Whims and Craze this blog is a fashion slash shopping slash beauty of a capricious woman but definitely not so impul sive shopper.Being one whose whims and craze for all things expensive and beautiful is unfathomable it is just write to create a corner on the web where i can pour my heart out .Thus this blog came to life.
ceemee's cazzapoeia Ceemee's Cazzapoeia is my online constellation where i chronicle the stars,God,family,interests,hobbies,poetry of my life as a Christian daughter, friend wife and mommy
The Average Jane the average Jane blog is anything and everything under the sun that i feel people might find interesting.
Promo Pilipinas Promo in the Philippines
.First Time Mom A blog documenting the journey of a first time mom.
Sweet Life Stream a blog of a housewife with two kids that tackles about her experiences as a stay at home mom especially to her special little one.
MEI CHAGAS a personal blog of a simple girl who has a big dreams in life
Candy Colored Glasses motherhood with a touch of flair and a splash of spunk.
Draide's Travel Adventures Draides travel adventures around the globe.
Eileen's Cooking Adventure a food blog that chronicles my cooking and eating adventures and misadventures
Sissy's Pastime virtual pastime
Blogger's Notes bloggers notes is an online personal diary that records my offline and online activities .It records my blogging journey and everything that i've learned along the way.It holds and shares my secrets and anything about me that i feel like worth sharing.
Michi Photostory online diary of my travel, food trip, motherhood and anything under the sun
Fun and Entertainment it is all about fun and entertainment offline and online.It talks about movies, TV shows and dramas i've watched music i've listened to books i've read, online and offline games i've played and memes and survey's i've participated.From time to time it talks about some of my personal fun and entertaining experiences.
.Chuckies Hideaway a place online where i can rant and share my thoughts views and unbiased opinions.Basically it serves as the online refuge of my thoughts.Also its where i share personal experiences and worth sharing happenings of my life.
The Three Chies its a blog about the three sisters Chie,Cheem and Cheep that is authored by the eldest Chie.It records the sad and memories of the 3 sisters .Apart from the the sister's stories it as well talk about beauty health shopping and any other girly stuffs.
A wife's Online Abode a wife's place on the web where she can talk about home and family ,love and marriage ,personal tales and experiences ,current life and world events her wife-hood journey and the ups and downs of her married life .
Celebrity Diary celebrity, beauty, fashion and make up
Chromatic Note notes of our ife
Handy Reviews handy reviews on everything that matters
Its All About Life beauty make up fashion and more
Blogaholic Mom I blog
Hawaiian Cruise your online guide to choosing your maid of honor dress
Pink Spree a personal journal
What's Hot Manila everything that's hot in Manila
American Idol American idol guide
Zykies a personal journal
That's Life a personal journal
Geca's Realm revelations from the everlasting sunrise of a woman's cosmic mind.Confused? Me too! Not to mention the random views , i write about my gorgeous and loving son and a little about thought provoking personal events.But i write mostly about anything that inspires or makes me happy life improvement defining happiness and believing in the principles of the secret.
Random Thoughts of Gil Camporazo a personal blog on lifestyles, news and commentaries on various subjects and topics worth emulating works and of general interests.
Life Unexpected by BigHotMomma a blogsite intented for mu personal musings about life, love photography food and places.My personal takes on music,movies and social media news.Sharing some insights about what is new and what is the buzz.
Green Eggs &Moms green eggs & moms is a parenting blog that serves up practical parenting tips and fresh family news.Al thes are here to guide you while you navigate through the crazy but fulfilling world of parenthood.
These and Those a blog about anything about life in general .From a mom's point of view this blog tackles about almost anything under the sun.
Hands Full of Life is a blog about family and parenting.A mom's hands are always full and moms never get out of things to do.So this is where i can share about my family.
Hey Lady Spring this is a journal of life and happy things.
![]() ADGITIZE BC BLOGGERS FEATURED BLOGGER FOR DECEMBER LIZ OF PINKVILLE I’m Liezl but you can simply call me Liz or Lizzie because I hate it when people mispelled my name so I prefer to be called with my nicknames. I’m a certified Batangueña but I spend most of my time in Manila since my life revolves around this city. To know more about me, you can visit my most updated blogs: personal blog -Pinkville and my money-making blog – Make More Money Online.I started blogging way back college days, on my third year I think. My first blog post went live last February 10, 2005. My classmate and a very close friend (Roch) introduced me to blogging. She helped me setup my blogger account in our computer laboratory. She even helped me with the HTML codes and I first heard the word “blogroll” from her. Since then, I updated my blog once in a while. I love writing so I eventually appreciate blogging especially in Friendster. Then there came busy days and I was not able to actively blog until 2009. When I got my first job in Manila, I contented myself updating my Friendster blog. And as I moved to the next job by 2008, I started exploring WordPress and buying own domains. It then leads to setting up more blogs and I eventually got almost 40 blogs/sites. My blogging addiction rewarded me with money and lots of friends.I’ve learned a lot from blogging and here’s the two most important lessons I’d like to share: Lesson #1: Blogging can make or break you, or even the things around you. I almost got a libel case because of what I posted on my blog against a hiring agency. It is when I said nothing but the truth yet the company wanted to take my post down and sue me. I even experienced psychological torture with them. But as long as you are a responsible blogger, there’s nothing to fear. I was able to handle the issue and ended up keeping the post in my blog. Until now, I am getting several “thank you” from people I’ve helped through thatpost. Lesson #2: It all boils down to passion. Yes, passion. It will keep you blogging without getting tired of it. As I’ve said in one of my previous guest posts, “Passion keeps me alive and kicking. Passion keeps the ideas flowing. Passion motivates me to blog.” True passion yields the sweetest fruit.What I love about blogging is the healthy community especially the group of mommy bloggers. Every opportunity is being shared among other bloggers and in terms of competition, you just have to compete with yourself to stay in the industry. It means that you have to continuously challenge yourself. A good example of healthy competition is when there is a direct advertiser looking for bloggers. Advertisers usually set requirements or qualifications for blogs and bloggers spread the word about it. To be qualified, you must meet all the requirements. If not, then it is about time to work harder to increase page rank or traffic until you meet the common qualifications.My PR4 blogspot blog was detected as splog or spam blog and it was taken down by Google without prior notice. It was really a disheartening experience but because I know that my blog wasn’t really a spam, I was so determined to fight for it. I sent numerous appeal until it was restored. My first post about that incident was here. An updated post with tips to avoid splog detection along with steps on how to restore deleted blog can be found here – How to restore deleted blogspot blog. Thank you very much for this wonderful interview. We surely have learned a lot from you. If you want to be the next BC Blogger’s Featured Blogger sign up here. This is the interview by MOMMY DIARY who founded this BC BLOGGERS. Find out more of MOMMY DIARY. |